
body part idioms!

(きょうは、からだの ぶいを つかった かんようくを しょうかいします!)
Today, I introduce you the idioms including a body part.
(くびを ながくする)
To lengthen one's neck means to wait impatiently for something.
If you want to look at something approaching to you from far,
you would have to lengthen your neck.
(くちが かるい)
One's mouth is light means that this person talks without thinking much.
The words are light for this person, and s/he can easily tell people the secrets.

(のどから てが でる)
A hand comes out from mouth means that you want something desparately.
You are thinking of something so strongly that
a hand could come out from your mouth trying to glab the thing you want.
(うでが なる)
Arms make sound means that you are eager to exhibit your skills.
Arms indicates skills in Japanese, and they could make sound
when you really want to get peoples attention to them.
(かたの にが おりる)
A luggage is now off from one's shoulder means the load is off one's mind.
(こしを ぬかす)
To miss one's lower back means to be unable to stand up due to surprise.
People cannot stand up when they do not have their lower back.
(あしもとを みる)
To look at one's feet means to take an advantage of the other's week situation.
Back in old time, the look of the feet of bearer decided the price of palanquin.
If they had injured or tired-looking feet, then the customer payed little.
(いろいろ あって おもしろいですね)
(みなさんの くにには どんな からだの かんようくが ありますか)
It is interesting that we have so many different idioms.
What kind of idioms including a body part do you have in your language?
Written by Ran


how long do you normally sleep for?

(まいにち あつくて なかなか ねむれませんね)

(だれかが 「なかなか ねむれない」と いったら、どのくらい ねると おもいますか。)

(すいみんじかんの ながさは、ひとによって ちがいますが、どうぶつによっても ちがうそうです)

(きょうは、どうぶつの すいみんじかんを しょうかいします)
Everyday it is just too hot to sleep in Tokyo.
When someone says that he can hardly sleep,
how long would you think this person sleeps for?
Different people have different sleeping hours,
but the length of the sleeping hours is different depending on the animal, too.
Today, I will write about different animals avarage sleeping hours.
20 hours :コアラkoalas、ナマケモノsloths

16 hours :リスsquirrels

15 hours :ライオンlions

14 hours :猫cats

12 hours :ゴリラgorillas

8 hours :人、兎、豚 human beings, rabits, pigs

6 hours :あざらしseal

3 hours : 牛cows、象elephants、ロバdonkey、羊sheep

(もっとも ながく ねているのは、 なまけものなど きのうえで せいかつする そうしょくどうぶつです)

(はは、あまり おおくの えねるぎーに ならないので、 きの うえで ながく ねます)
The animals sleeping for the longest hours are
the herbivores living on a tree, like koaras and sloths.
Leaves would not produce huge enargy, so they sleep a lot to save energy on the tree.
(つぎに ながく ねるのは、 らいおんや ねこなどの にくしょくどうぶつ です)

(しょくじは、うごいている どうぶつなので、あまり みつけられないし)

(みつけられたとしても つかまえられるか わかりません)

(それで、たいりょくおんぞんの ために ねる じかんが ながいそうです)
Then the carnivores sleeps for rather long hours.
Because they hardly find the animal to hunt,
and even if they did, there is no guarantee they can catch it.
Therefore, they sleep long to save energy.
(ごりらは れいちょうるいで もっとも へいきんすいみんじかんが ながく)

(にんげんは、れいちょうるいで もっとも へいきんすいみんじかんが みじかいそうです)
Gorillas sleep for the longest hours among the primates.
Human beings sleep for the least hours among the primates.
(そして、ぜんぜん ねないのは、つちの うえに せいかつする そうしょくどうぶつ です)

(たりょうの くさを たべないといけないし、にくしょくどうぶつから にげまわらないといけないから だそうです)
And it is the ground carnivores who do not sleep much.
They have to eat a lot of grass to live (so no time to sleep),
and they have to keep moving so that they do not get attacked.

(にんげんの へいきんは 8じかん)
(みなさんも よくねて げんきに すごしてくださいね!)

So, the avarage of human beings sleeping hours is 8 hours...
Please sleep well and stay genki, everyone!
written by Ran