
Respect the aged day!

(9がつ15にちは、けいろうの ひです ね。)

(「ろうじん」を 「うやまう」ひ です。)

(そこで、きょうは、「ろう」の かんじを つかう ことばを しょうかいします!)
September 15th is "Keirou no hi",
the "Respect for the Aged" day.
So, I introduce some words including "老" today!
「不老不死 (hurou-hushi)」 literary means "no aging, no death",
and it is "immortality".
(ふろうふしの くすり、ほしい?)
Do you think you want the elixir of life?
「老若男女 (rou-nyaku-nan-nyo)」consists of "old, young, man, woman",
and it means "everyone regardless of age or gender".
(この みせには、ろうにゃくなんにょ、さまざまな おきゃくさまが くる)
Many different customers regardress of age or gender come to this shop.
「老眼鏡 (rougankyou)」is "眼鏡 (megane), the glasses for the old people",
meaning "reading glasses".
(とうとう ろうがんきょうが ひつようになってしまった)
Finally, I need reading glasses now.
「老後 (rougo)」is "after getting old",
which means "post-retirement years".
(ろうごは、いなかに すむ!)
I will live in the countryside when I retire.
「老婆心(roubashin)」 "老婆 (rouba), the old lady's mind" often gives you
the "kindness that is not asked for".
(やまださんは、ろうばしんで いっているんだと おもうよ)
I think Mr. Yamada is saying that to you out of kindness.

(ろうばしんから ちゅうこくする けど。。。)
Let me give you some advice, though I know it's unasked for...
「海老 (ebi)」"old thing in 海, the sea, the one bending its back" is
"prawn, shrimp"
shrimp avocado sandwiches!
(じゃあ、きょうは、おじいさん、おばあさんに しんせつに!)
Well, let's be nice to grandpa and grandma today!
written by Ran


harvest moon day!

(9がつようかは、きゅうれきの 8がつ15にちで、2014ねんの ちゅうしゅうの めいげつです。)
September 8th 2014 is August 15th in the lunar calendar,
and it is the harvest moon day.
(まんげつは、1ねんに 12-13かい ありますが、)

(きゅうれきの 8がつ (げんざいの 9がつ)は、あめの ひが つづいた あとで、くうきが すんで)

(まんげつが、 きれいに みえることが おおいので、)

(そなえものを して、おつきみを する しゅうかんが できました。)
We have 12 to 13 full moon days per year,
but the one we see in August of the lunar calendar (current September),
has been recognised as the most beautiful one
because the sky often clears up at this time of the year,
after the continuous rainy days.
This is why we have a custom to have moon-viewing night
on August 15th of lunar calendar.

(よる、まよけの すすきと)

(つきに にた まるい かたちの ものを つきが みえる ほうがくに そなえます。)


(もともとは、そのとしに さくもつが しゅうかくできたことを かんしゃする ぎょうじでしたが、)

(いまでは、かぞくの けんこうと しあわせを いのることが おおいそうです。)
We arrange silver grass as amulet
and offer roundy-shaped-object to the moon.
For example, dampling or taro.
Originally, it was the event to thank the harvest of the year.
Nowadays, it is the day we pray for the family's health and happiness.
(ちなみに、まんげつの ひ、にほんでは、つきに 「もちつきを する うさぎ」が みえます。)

(でも、つきの もようは、くにによって)

(「おおきな はさみを もった かに」だったり、「しし」だったり するようですね)

(みなさんの くにでは、つきには なにが みえますか。)
By the way, on full moon day, we see
"rabits pounding mochi" on the surface of the moon.
But it seems that different countries people see different things.
It could be "crab with a big claw" or "lion".
In your country, what do you see on the full moon?
Written by Ran