(だんだんと あさばんが さむくなってきました)
(なつの あいだは、まいにち じゅーすを のんでいました が)
(この きせつに なると あつい おちゃが おいしくなります)
(そこで、きょうは、「ちゃ」を ふくむ ひょうげんを しょうかいします!)
Mornings and nights are getting colder.
During Summer, I tend to drink more juice, but
in this season of the year, hot tea tastes better.
Today, I introduce you the idioms with "tea"!
During Summer, I tend to drink more juice, but
in this season of the year, hot tea tastes better.
Today, I introduce you the idioms with "tea"!
お茶(ちゃ)の子(こ)さいさい:a piece of cake
(おちゃに そえて だされる おかしは ちいさくて たべるのが かんたんです)
(れい:ちゃわんを つくるなんて とうげいかの かれには おちゃのこさいさいだ)
The sweets served with green tea is small and easy to eat.
eg: Making a bowl is a piece of cake for him being a potter.
お茶(ちゃ)を濁(にご)す:throw dust in one's eyes
(さどうを しらない ひとが てきとうな さほうで おちゃを にごらせる ようすです)
(れい:かれは いいかげんな へんじで おちゃを にごした)
This is how a person who does not know about tea ceremony well
cheats the customer by making tea in non-proper way.
eg: He got out of the situation by giving a vague answer.
eg: He got out of the situation by giving a vague answer.
鬼も十八、番茶も出花(おにもじゅうはち、ばんちゃもでばな):sweet sixteen
(そまつな ばんちゃでも だしたては かおりが いいように、
おにの むすめでも じゅうはっさいに なると みりょくてき)
おにの むすめでも じゅうはっさいに なると みりょくてき)
(れい:おにも じゅうはち、ばんちゃも でばなで、うちの むすめも さいきん きれいになりました)
Even coarse tea tastes good when freshly-brewed.
Likewise, even homely girl look beautiful at the peak of her youth.
eg: My daughter look beautiful these days just because
she is now at the age that everyone looks beautiful.
It is tipical to say bad things about one's own family member in Japan,
but it does not mean that they do not love their family!!!!
It is tipical to say bad things about one's own family member in Japan,
but it does not mean that they do not love their family!!!!
へそが茶(ちゃ)を沸(わ)かす:pigs might fly
(へそが ちゃを わかすことは ありえないことです)
(れい:あても ないのに あした かえすって? へそが ちゃを わかすよ!)
It is impossible that the navel boils water for making tea.
eg: You promise you pay me back tomorrow even though
you don't have any concrete hope? Yeah, and pigs might fly.
(たたかいの さいちゅうに ちゃを いれるのが ふようで じゃまな ようす)
(れい: しんけんに はなしているんだから、ちゃちゃを いれないでよ!)
This is how making tea at battle field is unnecessary and even annoying.
eg: I am talking seriously. Don't kibits from the sidelines.
eg: I am talking seriously. Don't kibits from the sidelines.
(いろいろ ありますね。にほんの ぶんかに おちゃが おおきい しょうこですね!)
There are many! It shows how tea is important in Japanese culture!
There are many! It shows how tea is important in Japanese culture!
written by Ran