(もうすぐ 7がつも おわります ね)
(にほんでは なつやすみが はじまりました)
(とうきょうしゅうへんでは、たいてい、7がつの げじゅんから 8がつ いっぱいです。)
It is already the end of July.
In Japan, kids started their Summer holiday.
It normally starts at the end of July,
and goes until the end of August in/around Tokyo.
In Japan, kids started their Summer holiday.
It normally starts at the end of July,
and goes until the end of August in/around Tokyo.
(みなさんの くにで しょうがくせいは なつやすみの しゅくだいが ありますか)
(きょうは、にほんのしょうがくせいに どんな しゅくだいが あるか を しょうかいします!)
In your country, do primary students have Summer holiday homework?
In Japan, they do.
Today, I will write about what kind of homework
Japanese primary students get for Summer holiday.
In Japan, they do.
Today, I will write about what kind of homework
Japanese primary students get for Summer holiday.
(けいさんや かんじの もんだいが 1ぺーじ 20もん×40ぺーじほど あります)
○Workbook: calculation workbook, Kanji workbook
They have to finish the whole book of Kanji and calculation practice.
Often each book has 40 pages, and each page has 20 or so questions.
They have to finish the whole book of Kanji and calculation practice.
Often each book has 40 pages, and each page has 20 or so questions.
(にっき: まいにちの えにっきを かく、しょくぶつの かんさつにっきを つける)
○diary: draw illustrated diary about how they spent the days,
and keep record of their observataion on a plant
and keep record of their observataion on a plant
(うんどう: そうちょうの らじおたいそう、がっこうのぷーる)
(さんかすると すたんぷが もらえます)
○excersise: radio calisthenics early in the morning,
and swimming practice at school
you will get a stamp by attending
and swimming practice at school
you will get a stamp by attending
(さくぶん・ほうこく:ほんを よんで どくしょかんそうぶんを かく)
(なんについてでも いいので じゆうに けんきゅうを する)
○reapot: read a book and write what you think about it,
and research about anything you like, and write a report
and research about anything you like, and write a report
(びじゅつ:こうさく または ぽすたーを つくる)
○art: handcraft something or draw a poster
(5しゅうかんにしては、たくさんあると おもいませんか)
(なつやすみの さいごまで はじめないで)
(さいごの いっしゅうかんに なくなく がんばるこが おおいようです)
(あなたの なつやすみは、どんな なつやすみでしたか。)
You may think that there are a lot for 5 weeks.
Many kids actually do not start until the very end of their summer holiday,
and work hard tearfully in the last week...
What was your summer holiday like?
Many kids actually do not start until the very end of their summer holiday,
and work hard tearfully in the last week...
What was your summer holiday like?
written by Ran