(きょうは おちゅうげんの はなしです!)
(おちゅうげんは、しょかの かんしゃの ぷれぜんと です)
(いぜんは、じょうしや おんしに おくられていましたが、)
(さいきんは、はなれて くらす りょうしんや しんせきに おくる ひとが おおいそうです)
(よさんは、たいてい 3000えん~5000えんで)
(おくりものは びーるや ぜりーや はむなど)
(すこし ながく もつ たべものが おおいようです)
Today, I will write about Ochugen.
Ochugen is a "thank you gift" sent in early Summer.
Before, it was often sent to the boss at work or the teacher at school, but
nowadays, it seems more people send it to their parents living far or their relatives.
The budget for ochugen is normally somewhere between 3,000yen to 5,000yen.
What is sent are usually something like beer, jelly and ham...
something that lasts reasonably long.
Before, it was often sent to the boss at work or the teacher at school, but
nowadays, it seems more people send it to their parents living far or their relatives.
The budget for ochugen is normally somewhere between 3,000yen to 5,000yen.
What is sent are usually something like beer, jelly and ham...
something that lasts reasonably long.
(おちゅうげんを おくるときの まなーを しょうかいします!)
(おくる じきは、6がつまつ~7がつ15にちくらい まで です)
(そのじきを のがしたときは、おちゅうげんではなく、しょちゅうみまいなどとして おくります)
(おくる あいては、12がつに おせいぼを おくるだけでは たりない ひとです)
(せいせんしょくひんを おくるときは、さぷらいずに しないで、じぜんに うけとれる にちじを かくにんします)
(かならず てがみも つけます。 てがみだけ さきに おくってもいいです)
(おちゅうげんを もらったら、 かならず れいじょうを かきます)
(おちゅうげんは、なつの あいさつで おいわいではないので、
ふこうの あった いえに おくっても だいじょうぶです)
I introduce the manner of sending Ochugen.
1. You should send it somewhere between the end of June and mid July.
2. If you missed the timing, then you should send your gift as Shochu-mimai,
which is the gift to soften the summer heat.
3. The people you send Ochugen to are the ones that you cannot thank enough by sending just Oseibo, which is the winter gift.
4. If you are sending raw food, you should not send it as a surprise,
and ask the convenient day and time for the person to receive it.
5. You always attach a greeting letter. You can send the letter first, too.
6. If you received Ochugen, you should write "thank you letter" immediately.
7. It is OK to send Ochugen to the family that has someone passed away
as Ochugen is not the celebration gift but just the summer greeting.
1. You should send it somewhere between the end of June and mid July.
2. If you missed the timing, then you should send your gift as Shochu-mimai,
which is the gift to soften the summer heat.
3. The people you send Ochugen to are the ones that you cannot thank enough by sending just Oseibo, which is the winter gift.
4. If you are sending raw food, you should not send it as a surprise,
and ask the convenient day and time for the person to receive it.
5. You always attach a greeting letter. You can send the letter first, too.
6. If you received Ochugen, you should write "thank you letter" immediately.
7. It is OK to send Ochugen to the family that has someone passed away
as Ochugen is not the celebration gift but just the summer greeting.
(みなさんの くにには、なつの ぷれぜんとが ありますか)
(みなさんなら、どんな おちゅうげんが ほしいですか)
Do you have a custom to send a gift in Summer?
What do you think you would like for Ochugen?
What do you think you would like for Ochugen?
written by Ran
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